Dragon Quest Ultimate Character Sheet v3.5a Created by Snafaru (e-mail: snafaru@zimlab.com) Two files are provided: dqcha35a.xls This one contains an example. Highly recommended so you will see how great it looks and where to put the data. dqcha35b.xls This one is blank for new characters or monsters! Format is Excel 97. This is release 3.5, dated June 3rd, 1998. Snafaru's ramblings: I've been playing DQ since 1981 and finally got tired of having to do basic calculations all the time. I decided to create a character sheet with the following criteria: - It must look as closely as possible to the original character sheet in the 2nd Edition. - It must follow the rules of the 2nd Edition. - It must also have a magic section of a similar style. - It must automatically calculate as much stuff as possible. - It must be as good as it can get. If you have suggestions, or found bugs in the spreadsheet, please write me at snafaru@zimlab.com so that I can make the necessary adjustments for the next release. It took over 200 hours of work to create and perfect this spreadsheet, with your help I can make it better. Changes since version 3.4a: - Corrected the font size in cells L5 and N5. - Corrected errors in the example's skills data. Changes since version 2.3a: - Revamp the whole ARMOR and SHIELD section for bugs and allow magic modifiers in these sections. - Corrected the formula for calculating the weight of Copper Farthings. - Review all input fields for aesthetics.